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New Chapter in Cybersecurity Cooperation: TACC-NSF Workshop Concludes Successfully in Taipei

The TW-US Joint Workshop on Resilient Networks and AI for Cybersecurity concluded successfully on June 27th in Taipei, Taiwan. This workshop, jointly organized by the Taiwan Cybersecurity Technology Research Center (TACC) Project Office and the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF), brought together 17 leading US scholars with 42 experts from the TACC project team, totaling 59 participants. The workshop featured four engaging keynote speeches and 26 scholars presenting lightning talks. 

During the workshop, attendees explored cutting-edge cybersecurity topics, covering three major themes: AI and security, network and system security, and cryptography theories and applications. Both sides shared their latest research findings and explored future cooperation directions.

Over two days, experts from Taiwan and the United States delivered insightful presentations and engaged in productive discussions. This workshop not only strengthened academic exchanges between Taiwan and the U.S. but also established a valuable platform for future collaboration. Participants expressed enthusiasm for future cooperation opportunities. Dr. [Name], lead organizer from TACC, remarked, "This workshop has opened new avenues for joint research initiatives that could significantly impact the field of cybersecurity." It is anticipated that this collaboration will significantly enhance Taiwan's cybersecurity research capabilities, fostering innovative solutions and contributing to global advancements in cybersecurity.

Figure1. Opening Remark by Dr. Cliff Wang, National Science Foundation/ Program Director and Co-lead for NSF SaTC Program

Figure2. Opening remark by Prof. Shyhtsun Felix Wu, NSF Co-Organizer, National Cheng Kung University

Figure3. Keynote speech by Prof. Chun-I Fan, National Sun Yat-sen University

Figure4. Lightning Talk by Prof. Ruzica Piskac, Yale University

Figure5. Group Discussion

Figure6. Group photo of the attendees

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